

Steve B, XYZ Resident Poet

Diversity is our strength, the snowflake warrior screeched
But don’t you dare identify difference or I’ll have you all impeached
It’s No-Gender December because girls and boys are all the same
But diversity is our strength, believe or you I’ll shame.

How dare you say you’ve got black friends, you racist hater, you’re evil
How dare you identify a group by race, diversity is my steeple
Diversity, diversity they teach such marvels at university
And identifying any difference in people is such fascist perversity

White privilege belongs exclusively to all those white rapist males
But don’t you dare identify Islam as the perpetrator of all their fails
If you don’t believe in diversity, you’re a homophobic racist
Probably sexist and heteronormative, intolerance of the basest

And we would never sink, to identify any group by name
Because thanks to cultural Marxism, we are all the same

Photo by OregonDOT