Food for thought – Repulsive reds in need of red-pilling

Cartoon by Ryan Fletcher

As a bizarre bunch of beta-bitch bolshies perform a Pavlovian response to the pretentious penthouse dwelling pop icons calling for a “month of resistance”, the silent majority anxiously awaits God-Emperor Trump’s inauguration.

With reports indicating that Obama has illegally seized control of the American Electoral System in order to overturn the Trump presidency, one is left to conclude that lethal vigilance must be observed in the days ahead.

Naturally, these meth-muddled Marxists who idolise the jihadists out to destroy the West couldn’t be happier with the Communist Kenyan’s (Obama’s) strategy. With their precious presstitutes in the globalist fake news media seeking to add fuel to the fire, their goal is to instigate bloody race war.

However, the painful truth of reality is that in a hot-war scenario, weird low-testosterone green-haired freaks raging about “Dump Trump” are going to last about as long as a snowflake in a Southwestern summer.

Food for thought.