Malcolm in the middle


6707449285_3b8edb6d8a_Malcolm-turnbullIs Malcolm a genius? There is often a saying “Give them enough rope”. When the Prime Minister of Australia dines with Islamic hate-mongers who are given national exposure and exposed as hate-mongers in a week stained by Islamic hate crime, has he sidestepped the constraints of political correctness and let the nasty facts speak for themselves?

Has Malcolm given national media the chance to listen to voices of Islam, which are so different to the politically correct apologists’ voice of Islam. Have these voices told the Australian public exactly what the ABC, Labor, The Greens, even Malcolm himself cannot say, because of political correctness?

Is this what Malcolm has done, and has he done this intentionally?

One thing this does is expose the benefits of free speech. Let the bigotry of Islam speak for itself, and the people will see this is not what they are told it is.

Too often, political correctness lies, in the name of diversity and tolerance.

Perhaps it is time we let Islam speak openly and from the heart, let the facts speak for themselves, and let reason prevail.

The conclusions the people will reach may not be politically correct, however that is because the mainstream voice of Islam is incredibly politically incorrect.

Photo by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer