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Tag: aboriginal

Don’t welcome me to my own bloody country

This article was initially published on August 17, 2016. In 2001 I left Australia and I didn’t return for over ten years. Not long after...

The reason aboriginal identity politics gets shoved down our throats

Originally published September 16, 2019. Last week a speaking tour by aboriginal conservative Jacinta Price sparked a backlash from far left activists in Coffs Harbour,...

A history of aboriginal violence

Originally published September 15, 2019. Anna Charlotte There's never not a time when the "oppression" of Indigenous people is not a hot topic. Like the 24/7...

Anti-Australia Day marchers are ugly losers

News the last couple of days has been dominated by Victoria Police’s profiling of patriot activist Neil Erikson. In current year clownworld you are...

ScoMo scolded for failing to attend ritual humiliation at Ayers Rock

The far left has twisted itself in tight circles of cognitive dissonance trying to deal with the fact that so many white people actually...

They’re gonna shove Adam Goodes propaganda down your kids’ throats

When the complete commercial failure of The Australian Dream, Stan Grant's puff piece on Adam Goodes, was blamed on the racism of everyday Australians,...

The Nicky Winmar statue at Perth Stadium — a symbol of...

From an Australian Protectionist Party member Neil Elvis “Nicky” Winmar was a champion West Australian footballer. From the time he first appeared in the public...

XYZ Live #82 – Adam Goodes Doco Takes a Dive and...

Last night we analysed two stories which demonstrate the complete disconnect between the information gatekeepers and real Australians. The ABC is upset that real...

XYZ Live #76 – Waleed Aly Gaslights Australia on Adam Goodes

Bradley from the Australian Protectionist Party joined us last night as we discussed the week of virtue signalling on aboriginal issues. Topics discussed: The...

A real warrior against injustice

Retired Australian rules footballer Adam Goodes has been the subject of a recent documentary that decried the horrible things that were supposedly done to...