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Tag: Globalism

Globalism is a Death Cult

Not many people today have any knowledge of the Albigensianism heresy, also known as Catharism. It flourished between the 12th and 14th centuries in...

Globalism is good for you, goy

The oligarchs sold globalisation to us as a means of getting cheap goods and boosting prosperity, they spent years pushing their propaganda to convince...

Yes, Coronavirus is a Tool

The coronavirus pandemic has caused many on the Right to celebrate - the sword of Damocles has finally fallen on globalism's head, and good...

XYZ Live #111 – How to Bankrupt the Economy in 6...

As usual our focus was on the Chinese Diversity Flu crisis, with relation to the following topics: Giving everybody money will lead to runaway...

The Uncuckables Ep. 56: Socialist Isolation

We discuss the China Coronavirus from China with respect to the following topics: Collapse of fake money and the economic system.Great Depression about to hit,...

XYZ Live #108 – We Told You So

We here at your XYZ have been warning for years that the globalist system is unsustainable, a house of cards that could crash at...

It’s not economically viable for them to protect your lives

We live in Godless societies, and the worship of money in the form of gross domestic product, free trade and economic growth is all...

The Art of War

For most of history, war has taken place between groups violently and nonviolently, usually over living space, resources, women or trade. War can be...

Should Nationalism Be Our Goal?

It is important to understand the past so that we better understand ourselves. Once we understand ourselves, we can make better decisions in the...

Bringing Jobs Back To The West

Globalism has helped to destroy the lives of millions upon millions of people in the West. Factories and the jobs that they provided have...