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The real difference between the right and the left

When I am asked by younger guys for suggestions to help them resolve problems that they are experiencing, one of the most common issues...

XYZ’s Civil War

The XYZ has a Civil War - just read the comments. This is great news. Seriously. In the days when the XYZ was being conceived, one...

Left too hate-filled to think through consequences of their actions

For those requiring a daily rush of outrage in order to justify all the trigger warnings they put up surrounding their safe zones, last...

The Political Pendulum

By Phil Scott The average Westerner is growing tired of being bullied by the Left. There has been a growing uprising of ‘extreme right-wing parties’...

Deefer: I’m leaning to the left

Do you like fairies? Are you comfortable with the concept of wealth redistribution? Do you generally sit on the fence, but are worried about...

Ben Shapiro – Why the Left support radical Islam

Increasingly Western nations are waking up to the reality of the hateful, homicidal, delusional, sociopathic and suicidal ideology of Islam. However there are those...