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Tag: London

Crime, Punishment and the Liberal Delusion

From Patriotic Alternative. Edward Saunders London these days is one hell of a place. You can see world renowned landmarks and shows, and then a few...

London will fall to Omicron within hours

We come to you today with foul news. London has almost fallen. XYZ News has obtained exclusive footage from within British High Command, and from...

XYZ Live #95 – Diversity is TOTES our Strength! Sadiq Khan...

Whenever a Western leader states that "diversity is our strength" after a diversity incident in a Western city, that message is not directed toward...

Julian Assange arrested for saving the world

At the beginning of the last century, the globalist elite figured out a way to take over the world. Manipulate white European countries into launching...

Karl Marx’s Grave Vandalised and the Left are UPSET

Someone recently vandalised Karl Marx’s graves in London. This has managed to garner a reaction from his modern day supporters, namely Suzanne Moore of...

First London falls, then England

A quick glance at the headlines this morning almost made me spill my coffee. This imagined disaster of course did not unfold as I...

Australia’s disgrace: Visa declined to Lauren Southern

Who would you rather let into the country? This guy? Or this girl? The topic of Lauren Southern's role in the alt light and the alt right...

#XYZ Live #20 – Free Tommy Robinson Protests, Donald Trump at...

David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life work their way through *that* speech by Geert Wilders at the massive protest for Tommy Robinson in central...


Sunday, 6th May, saw an important event held in London that next to no major media outlets covered, leastwise the major state broadcaster BBC....

Sadiq Khan is a massive hypocrite

Sadiq Khan recently gave a speech where he whined and moaned about “hate-speech” and decried a number of “mean-tweets” he’d received. It was full...