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Why Do We Have to Fight?

On another article Politics is not beneath us, I received a long and thoughtful comment from ScotchedEarth who basically asked: Why do we have to fight? Why...

There is no place for politics in spirituality

A thought provoking article from Bruce Charlton this morning concerning the fact that there is no place for neutrality anymore, also known as fence...

PewDiePie rescinds ADL donation and Jews lose their minds!

PewDiePie is either a clown bubbling around cluelessly, or he's just pulled off the most epic troll in history. Either way, the results are exactly...

The future of Australian politics – no girls allowed

Kelly O’Dwyer and Julie Bishop are retiring from Australian politics at the next federal election to be held this year. One would think that...

Why elections don’t change anything (much)

Ever wonder why it doesn’t seem to matter who’s in power, things always keep moving in the same direction? Ever stop to ask yourself why,...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 55 (Delousing the Degeneracy)

Characterising (((the kosher))) as anything short of a malicious parasite, would be a grave understatement to their toxic influence upon we the goyim. Insidiously infecting...

Ryan on The Zero Filter Show

On Saturday the 10th December 2016, I sat down with Brendan from the Zero Filter Show to tackle some of the issues of the day....

Food for thought – When will Ryan Roper’s head cease to...

Throughout my life I have struggled with anxiety, depression and anger at the world around me, to such a degree I become so overwhelmed...

Rights without Responsibilities

Some years ago, an adolescent I know well returned home from high school with a rather thick little book that prompted to me to...