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Tag: the left

The Thrill of Destruction

Originally published at Upon Hope on 22 October, 2014. You can find Mark’s Subscribestar here. When you look at the news or hear someone on...

George Orwell: Patriotism, the English Working Class and the Left-Wing Intelligentsia

From Patriotic Alternative. Matthew Lovecraft George Orwell is probably best known for two of his novels in particular: that published in 1949, Nineteen Eighty Four, based...

The High IQ Conformists of the Left

When the Right was the establishment, the Left wanted Revolution. Now that the Left are the establishment, the Right wants Revolution. The Left used to mock...

Protesting the Left Gets You Arrested

If you live outside of Australia you might never have heard of Neil Erikson. He has his fans and his detractors on the Right....

3 things you need to do to save Australia Day

If you’ve been paying attention you’ve probably realised the Left doesn’t like our country very much. And by that, I mean that the Left hates...

Melbourne Traditionalists Episode Three: The Left used Free Speech to spread...

The 1977 Australian film Don's Party chronicals a dinner party on the night of the 1969 Australian election. Australian socialists were sure Labor would...

The supply and demand of wage growth

A comment on last week’s hawt chicks & links from a reader with an unpronounceable name: "In a world where we continue to experience labor...

The left are coming for your children

Pedophile apologists are responsible for putting together the Safe Schools curriculum taught to your school children, but that isn't enough for the lowest of...

Say it with a Picture: The Left are Afraid

This screenshot made me so happy: A reader passed it on to us a few days ago. Its context was the drama caused when a...

Quote of the Day: The left never cared about free speech

Quote of the Day goes to me, yours truly, The XYZ Editor. Because I can. Today on the horrendously dark corner of the internet known as...