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Tag: Western Australia

Open letter to Councils between Rockingham and Margaret River

Dear Elected Councillor, I am writing to you and to every single one of your colleagues in every Council up and down the Coast of...

Insane Windfarm Plan for WA

You can’t take your eye off the Globalists for a second. You’re not even started in bringing them to account for the coerced poisoning...

Better to be a racist than to have abos rule over...

There are a few things in life that you can count on as sure things, death and taxes being two of the most prominent,...

VOICE EXTORTION: Aboriginal Corporation Demands $2.5 MILLION to Plant Trees

Last week XYZ News reported on the halting of tree planting work in Geraldton, Western Australia due to interference of one aboriginal “elder” under...

WA result foreshadowed Victorian election disaster

I have absolutely no pleasure in being proven right about the Victorian election, but the WA State election had already given Australia the precedent...

Chinese Spy Ship tracked off WA coast

I’d make some joke about how the Chinese intelligence gathering mission failed to uncover any intelligence in Western Australia, but here I am living...

Covid Testing Army going Door To Door in WA

In total war, every arm of society is mobilised against the enemy, perceived or otherwise: Random door-knock COVID-19 testing will take place across Perth beginning...

You thought Covid was over? WA reintroduces restrictions

Nothing like a good distraction to get the heat off the politicians. Ukrainian Air Defense Units intercepted, what seems to be, at least 6 Ballistic/Cruise...

Mask Mandate Hell in Western Australia

How do we put a positive spin on the fact that not only are we keeping Western Australians in prison for longer, we are...

Police scale walls to prevent DANCING in Western Australia

The owners of this bar deserve a medal: Hundreds of people breached Western Australia's COVID-19 restrictions to celebrate New Year's Eve at a party held...