An (Almost) Divine Emperor


Steve B

The thump of Trump was clearly felt by the Obammys, sitting right behind
The wrong side of a history that will judge them a mystery, almost wilfully blind
To the truths of the matters the Emperor spoke about, making the lost great again
Bringing back the prosperity politicians stole, the ordinary paying the cost in pain.

The weight of Marxist burden lifted and hurled into Hades’ fire
Along with the nausea of social justice gone wrong, bogged down in LGBT mire
Gone too, the glow of globalist abomination, dressed in its racist attire
All reeking of sulphur, betrayal and treachery, a totalitarian funeral pyre.

Give thanks to the Trump who bruised the rump of those who lied to us
Who stole our pearls and spread them amongst swine with indiscriminatory fuss
Who told us we were wrong, backwards and behind, a phobic and an ist
You got smashed, bashed, beaten and dashed, by Trump’s almighty fist.