America’s racial power imbalance


This article was originally published on May 24, 2018 at, where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly. You can purchase Adam’s books here.

My article on the nigger, (nigga?) word has proved prescient, specifically this part:

“Furthermore, black people are supposedly allowed to freely utilise the word to their hearts’ content. Even worse, the people with the black skin are the ones telling the people with the white skin that they’re not allowed to use the word because of their white skin color while the ones with the black skin color freely use the word. Not just freely; they rub it in our faces.”

Barely a week later and a black rapper purposely humiliated a white fan at one of his concerts in the following manner:

“Lamar was headlining the final night of the Hangout Festival in Gulf Shores, Alabama on Sunday when he invited a white concertgoer named Delaney on stage to sing his song M.A.A.D City alongside him.

“Just seconds into the song, Lamar cut the music and scolded the fan for singing the full lyrics of the song, which includes the N-word throughout.

“Amid the outrage, some of it directed at Delaney, other fans are wondering if the Pulitzer Prize-winning singer intentionally set out to stir controversy and publicity by inviting a white fan to sing his lyrics.”

The fan was not scolded; she was publicly humiliated for singing the lyrics to the man’s own song after he had specifically invited her on stage for the purpose of doing so. The reason for the humiliation was because of her skin color – she is white and is thus the modern day version of the un-person. Whites are slowly beginning to wake up to this.

The idiots behind the Civil Rights Act were of the assumption that the power imbalance between blacks and whites that existed for so long was an aberration. The truth is that it was merely situation normal for the human race. By the gradual reversal of the power balance over the last 50 years, a transition which exponentially accelerated under Obama’s presidency, America now finds itself in a bizarre situation where the social racial balance is held by blacks, a balance which has been essentially bequeathed by whites. The oppressed have actively and publicly sought their oppression so as to demonstrate what pure and virtuous individuals they are when compared to their barbaric “racist” forefathers.

This delicate imbalance is also held by a tenuous thread between whites themselves, as the proponents are liberals and SJWs. Once the internal power balance shifts in the white population, a shift that moved exponentially with the election of Trump, then the entire artificially constructed racial power balance will collapse and revert to its natural state.

Which will be rather messy I would think.

This is why white liberals have been so traumatized by Trump’s election win. Deep down they know what it means. The blacks don’t, of course, but why would you expect otherwise?

Also, this guy is a Pulitzer prize winner? The imbalance is present at all levels.