Fontgate: Australians pay more for ABC waste and bias


It was revealed in a Senate Estimates Committee meeting on Thursday that the ABC spent around $50,000 in having a bespoke typeface created for its logo, all aimed at strengthening the outlet’s branding and marketing.

As the video below shows, Senator James Paterson questions ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie as to whether this expensive customised font was an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars.

Of course, such a great expense on something so trivial cannot be justified, but it is the thing that bloated organisations with big budgets and low accountability can do and get away with, along with the over $1 billion which taxpayers give annually to fund the biased media organisation which is their ABC.

By contrast, the XYZ was founded in 2015 and aims to address the bias and waste of taxpayer funds in Australia’s publicly funded broadcaster. While the ABC paid almost $50,000 for a bespoke marketing font, the XYZ paid the grand total of $250 to have their whole logo designed.

In order to restore the balance in Australia’s taxpayer funded media, the XYZ petitioned the Australian Government last year, requesting half of the ABC’s annual budget ($500 million). Our reasons for doing so can be seen below.

While the ABC caters to those on the Green-Left of the political spectrum, the XYZ caters to the needs of the population of Australia which believes in free speech, free markets, and unselfconsciously acknowledges our place in Western civilisation and culture. Furthermore, we will have the decency to be honest about this fact.

The ABC’s ‘Fontgate’, revealed by Senator Paterson, illustrates that the ABC’s bias and waste of public funds continues. Therefore, please join the XYZ in our struggle to restore the balance to Australia’s media!

Why we deserve $500M