Fancy an Eyeball Tattoo? It’s ‘Safe’!


Every day there are weird and wonderful stories that cross the XYZ news desk. And sometimes, frankly, stories that are just plain weird. This is one of those.

Apparently, ‘eyeball tattooing’ is a real thing.

6326838483_0866bbdb54_face-tattooAustralia’s sole eyeball tattooist, known only as “Luna Cobra” claims that the procedure is safer than smoking or drinking.

Eye specialists beg to disagree and say that the procedure is exceedingly dangerous.

I don’t know… Luna Cobra is a fairly cool name.

And he goes on to say: “Any reports of a link between cancer and eyeball tattoos is only speculation and this has never been reported since I started this in 2007.”

Well, there you go – it sounds like he knows what he’s talking about! However, I’ll let our readers make up their own mind…

XYZ’s Quote of the Day for Tuesday 23 February, 2016.


Photo by MFer Photography