Food for thought – O commander, my commander

Cartoon by Ryan Fletcher
Cartoon by Ryan Fletcher

Donald Trump’s announcement last week, confirming Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his Vice-Presidential running mate, reinforced the tactical tenacity of Trump’s deal making ability. Governor Pence, a seasoned government operator with solid conservative credentials, compliments Trump’s tough policy approach towards a number of notable issues threatening America at present.

With America at war with Jihadists, a failing economy (overseen by the Democrats), a rise in terrorism and lawlessness in general, is it any wonder why securing borders and enforcing law and order are policy areas that are speeding the Trump train to the White House?

Keep in mind, equal opportunity is evaporating as quickly as racial violence (caused by the Democrats) is occurring, and yet the inept President Obama continues to pander to hostile entities (foreign and domestic) that aid the very kind of terrorism being waged against America.

Hence why Trump and Pence make for a brilliant campaign crushing team against the Hillary horror-show, which has Bernie “the Crypt keeper” Sanders as its lingering neo-Malthusian proto-Marxist exhibit.

With 2017 looking to be the year Trump becomes America’s commander-in-chief, all that’s left to say is, “Oh commander, my commander”.

Food for thought.