Food for thought – Seize the day

Feel like XYZ tonight! Image edited by Ryan Fletcher
Feel like XYZ tonight! Image edited by Ryan Fletcher

Anytime I’m in need of a motivational pick-me-up I look to the wise words of Colonel Harland Sander’s (the fascinating founder of the Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise) for insight. My most favourite quote from Colonel Sander’s is this:

“I’ve only had two rules: Do all you can and do it the best you can. It’s the only way you ever get that feeling of accomplishing something.”

Though I’m personally far-a-field of the legacy left by the Colonel, I like to think I’ve stayed true to these rules since my first job as a paper-boy at age 12.

Whether it be working as an orchard hand, stock-filler, cleaner, receptionist, graphic designer, newspaper assistant editor, youth worker, Personal Care Worker or Lifestyle and Leisure Coordinator I feel I’ve done as best I can at the given time.

Even in regards to personal goals pertaining to sport, travel, art, education, blogging or even running as a cornball candidate for public office I’d like to think I’ve ticked some “to-dos” off my bucket list.

As the old truism goes “opportunity is what you make it”, and as time is money don’t be sitting around expecting a refund for your tomorrow.

Food for thought.