Food for thought – Tony calls for common sense to prevail


Cartoon by Ryan Fletcher

Today the narrative of David was being throttled by an Islamic loving Goliath (made up of government propagandists, mainstream media misfits and mobilising Leftist ratbags).

After yesterday’s spot-on proposal from Donald Trump to shutdown Muslim immigration, our former Prime Minister Tony Abbott communicated truth to the Australian people by writing:

“Cultures are not all equal. We should be ready to proclaim the clear superiority of our culture to one that justifies killing people in the name of God.”

Those who applauded this message from our former Prime Minister were viciously shouted down by these “politically correct” throw-backs who embrace a warped world-view called cultural relativism (which posits ALL cultures as being equal to one another).

Mr Abbott, and those who see the sense in his words, are being unjustly vilified by those who are broadly referred to as Islamic apologists. I prefer to call this movement the Islamo-Internationale (a group of holocaust denying Palestinian supporters that seek to destroy Israel).

The national broadcaster (their ABC) repeatedly denigrated the development of Israeli settlements throughout the day, while bringing on Muslim mouthpieces to sprout their divine deception (taqiyya) to the Australian public.

Frankly Australia needs to wake the heck up now before it’s too late!

Food for thought.