LGBTI against islamisation


3571868044_6d62f37cc4_Gay-protestIn response to the Facebook page I saw around LGBTI against islamisation of our nations I have the following to say: Please do not protest. Our progressive overlords, who also do your bidding, know what is best for us. The tolerance you enjoy, which often involves cries of bigotry to shut down dissenting opinions, is the same tolerance which ANY religion or minority interest group ought to enjoy.

Naturally, although all groups are equal, some are more equal than others and some know how to cry racist or bigot, exploit twitter for their cause, play the pity card and accentuate their victim status better than you.

I would say, if you cannot beat them, join them, but then if you join certain groups, they are likely to beat you.

But thats the point, isn’t it? You can tangibly understand that real intolerance and oppression is being hurried through the back doors of the corridors of power. Soon you will not be oh so clever when you cry out about trigger warnings: It will be a literal cry that “holy sh!t, he has a gun”.

Your search for safe spaces will be much more literal, ironically facilitated by the fact that your current safe space clears the path to power for those who must, as a matter of principle, consider you as almost sub human. As you cower in your safe spaces, you may lament why it has come to this.

Why are you not protected from this aggressive menace which it is racist, bigoted and offensive to even name.

Do not let hate triumph. Walk into your mosque today, be loud and proud, demand your rights and those of the oppressed LGBTI and women in the congregation.

It will never be safer to do so than now. You know it.


Photo by Jimmy Jazz IDK