News.Com – Get out of the Fairfax sewer 


What dishonest reporting from News.Com, unfortunately, now all too often swimming in the same sewer of hatred and innuendo as Fairfax, the Guardian, and the ABC.

MEDIA CALL: Gillard, Abbott to hold Q&A session at Rooty Hill RSL
Wednesday, 11 August 2010 from 6.00pm

Sydney, Australia, August 9, 2010 – Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott will be holding a people’s forum at Rooty Hill RSL on Wednesday, 11 August 2010 from 6.00pm. The event will be facilitated by political editor David Speers and telecast live across Australia.

The audience, which will include approximately 200 swinging voters from Western Sydney chosen by Galaxy Research, as well as media representatives, will have the opportunity to ask the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader questions related to their policies and in particular, how it affects the local community.

Gillard, Abbott Q&A session details
Date:         Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Time:          6.00pm (media can set up from 5.15pm)
Where:       Rooty Hill RSL
                  Waratah Room
                  55 Sherbrooke Street, Rooty Hill NSW 2766

6.00pm       Prime Minister Julia Gillard address – Q&A
7.00pm       Break for refreshments
7.30pm       Opposition Leader Tony Abbott address – Q&A
8.30pm       Close

A limited number of seats are available for media representatives for this event. To attend this media call or for further information regarding the Gillard, Abbott Q&A session, please contact Christine Kardashian at Dash PR on 02 8084 0705 / 0416 005 703 or email


MEDIA RELEASE: Rooty Hill RSL to host Gillard, Abbott Q&A session
Wednesday, 11 August 2010 from 6.00pm

Sydney, Australia, August 9, 2010 – Rooty Hill RSL, Australia’s largest RSL club, will host the highly anticipated people’s forum with Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott. The event will be held on Wednesday, 11 August 2010 from 6.00pm, facilitated by political editor David Speers and telecast live across Australia.

Why Rooty Hill RSL?
Rooty Hill RSLNowhere did the Prime Minister make the comment attributed to him in this misleading headline. He did not at any time say ‘Islamic State are worse than the Nazis.’ He merely pointed out that the Nazi’s at least tried to cover up and conceal their crimes against humanity, whereas the homicidal maniacs of Islamic State delight and revel in broadcasting their atrocities to the world. News.Com should be better than this. Such deceptive reporting only gives the army of professional offence takers out there another opportunity to rehearse their catalogue of complaints and whinges, and does nothing to enhance or progress important national debates.

Source: Prime Minister Tony Abbott describes Islamic State as being ‘worse than the Nazis’ | HeraldSun