The Uncuckables Ep. 56: Socialist Isolation

We discuss the China Coronavirus from China with respect to the following topics: Collapse of fake money and the economic system.Great Depression about to hit, massive job losses.Is China lying about its death toll?The collapse...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 115 – Sputum Over The Spectrum

Organised Jewry have begun producing fallacious reports drawing upon anonymous Shabbos goy pseudo White Nationalist social media profiles likely run by Federal agents and JIDF hasbara operatives. It’s not totally inaccurate that White Nationalists are...

The Estimate of the Situation Part 2: The Right to Self Determination

The Golem In Part I of this series I outlined the basic facts which prove that the Australian People are a distinct and unique ethnic group, rather than a mere conglomeration of other peoples from...

Nonbinary is a Sham

So says James Shupe, the first person to be legally recognised in the United States as nonbinary. So what is nonbinary? Nonbinary is the idea that a person is neither man nor female, that they...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 114 – Khazar Corona Containment

As many people continue to conflate China with the cause of the current contagion, a growing amount of observers are noticing a certain pandemic profiteering parasite, not being spoken about in the corporate controlled...

Bog Roll Bandits Hit Western Sydney Woollies

Clownworld has brought our civilisation into the Bog Roll Boogaloo. Now, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Bog Roll Bandits. From the Daily Mail: Two men accused of stealing more than 500 rolls of...

Love in the time of Corona

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill on 21/3/2020. You can purchase Adam’s books here. Today is the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. Here in the Netherlands it is a beautiful clear day,...

XYZ Live #110 – Dick Ears Dan and the Bog Roll B00gal00

Queues are lining up around the block at Australian Centrelinks, the government is spending money like it is painted on money or something, and the China Coronavirus death toll just keeps rising in Europe. It...

Whats Going On Coronavirus? Melbourne Traditionalists Podcast – Episode Thirty Four

Recorded Thursday, March 19, 2020. Mark Moncrieff argues that the haste to shut down the economy by the government is an unnecessary overreaction to the China Coronavirus, which will cause far more harm than the...

China Coronavirus: Lockdowns and Lectures

ScoMo hilariously stated last Wednesday that anybody who thought there would be a nationwide lockdown had tinfoil for brains. From the Guardian, 18/3/2020: While declaring a national human biosecurity emergency under the Biosecurity Act on Tuesday...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 113 – Cast Off That Which Can’t Be Cured

As Jewish paedophile communists mirror Gab shitposts to Twitter to publicly signal their handlers in ASIO, CIA, NSA and FBI as to which punditry is to be purged for anti-globalist guilt by association, Australia...

Pandemic Panic Last week a relative of mine went to buy a freezer, but due to the panic buying that has been going on they have all been bought out. She was told that more might...

Frozen II – An ugly anti-White narrative in a beautiful wrapping

Guest (2343 words) After the phenomenal and record breaking success of Frozen in late 2013, grossing just over 1.2 billion and becoming the biggest animated film of all time, a sequel, and probably two more after...

The Uncuckables Ep. 55: Shut It Down!

VICE has reported that white nationalists are discussing the opportunity posed by the chaos the China Coronavirus is bringing. They must have watched The Uncuckables. The Uncuckables livestreams between 8:30 and 10:00 pm AEST every...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 112 – Millions Through Mordecai’s Meat Grinder

As “the homeland of the Jewish people” moves to further the ‘legal’ scope of the habitual maiming and murdering of Palestinians, the kosher moonbat media are taking aim at the White Nationalist rebels deploying...

When Owning Guns Is A Crime, Only Criminals Will Own Guns (Victorian Edition)

Back in 1996 the Australian Federal Government decided that there would be a compulsory gun buyback program. Gun laws were also made much stricter. The gun lobby argued that when owning a gun is...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 111 – Bug Eating Boogaloo With COVID-19 Echoes

With uncle Blumpfberg unable to name the “hidden enemy” in triple parenthesis that has induced loser tier outcomes for the occident, precious little pinko ‘panickers’ are pissing themselves as they realize the coronavirus pandemic...

The Estimate of the Situation Part 1: Ethnic Australian Identity

The Golem To be correctly understood, things should be stated in their briefest possible terms, so that only the essential elements of the problem are clearly laid bare for inspection. This Estimate of the Situation...

How to explain the “un-Australian” behaviour

As the frenzied buying of basic household items continues, the Australian prime minister accused those of panic buying and hoarding of being “un-Australian”. “On bulk purchasing of supplies: Stop hoarding. I can’t be more blunt...

What Do Traditionalists Believe? Melbourne Traditionalists Podcast Episode Thirty Three

We discuss Mark Moncrieff’s manifesto and thrash out his ideas. One of those important discussions where rather than just pointing out everything we disagree with we present a concrete alternative.