Trump Throws Dimwitted MSM Press Pack Off the Scent With Transgender Bone

How does a President completely evaporate a 'mostly bulls**t' but extremely damaging Russian collusion narrative instantaneously and decisively, while simultaneously pleasing his base, and anyone with enough intelligence to realise that placing the deeply...

Quote of the Day: The standard ABC News Bulletin Formula

The following Quote of the Day, courtesy of an XYZ reader, outlines the standard structure of an ABC news bulletin: "Whilst off work crook I have been watching the midday news on ABC24. Every days...

The Real Difference between Men and Women: Behavioural Biology

Editor's Note: MattysModernLife covers the different mating strategies between men and women, and the fundamental reason why there is a difference: Men make sperm by the bucketful, and women make a limited number of...

Viewer Poll: Is the ABC massively biased to the left, and in breach of...

All that is required to participate in this poll is the power of observation and a half-decent memory. Just for kicks, let us briefly review two of the more notable examples of recent left-wing...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 58 (The Rebirth of A Ryan Rant)

With the recent termination of my long-standing YouTube channel, by (((a certain group of people))) whom are expert at shutting down dissenting speech against (((them))), I decided it was a perfect time to transmogrify...

A Quick Wit Won’t Be Enough to Equip the New Doctor in the Eyes...

I don't really have a dog in the fight when it comes to the new Doctor. I gave up on the show around the time of Tom Baker, and like Star Trek it always...

The female orgasm is submissive

I’ve been sitting on the following video for two weeks now, trying to work out the best way to approach it. It’s presented by Bettina Arndt, an Australian sex therapist, online dating coach, and...

Old Australia: This Old Town (Brisbane)

Editor's note: Recently, The XYZ paid tribute to the Marvellous Melbourne of old, with some beautiful archival footage. Deefer has put together his own set of old photos of Brisbane, and a song in...

Moses Apostaticus: Uniting the Right to Fix Australia

Moses Apostaticus starts his latest video with a bang, stating: "Like all Western nations, Australia is about to enter a period of financial collapse, civic turmoil, and most likely violent revolution." From here, he identifies the...

The great Australian immigration betrayal

Chatting to people here in Holland, their perception of Australia is that we are very hard on immigration. This false reality stems from them getting their news from the general mainstream media. Much like...

What’s Brown and Green and red all over?

New South Whale In the last article we reviewed the “Safe” schools phenomenon - an attack by the radical homosexualist left on the children of Australia. We asked ourselves how did progressivism in Australia come...

Black Pigeon Speaks: Britain was never “A Nation of Immigrants”

In this video, Black Pigeon Speaks demolishes the myth that Britain was "a nation of immigrants". DNA evidence demonstrates that native Britains have much the same DNA as their ancestors from several thousand years ago....

A Grumpy Thought: Drugs at Music Festivals

There's a whole lotta hoo-haa about police searches and sniffer dogs for drugs at music festivals. Recently I saw a "know your rights" ad for people carrying drugs... Here's an idea. Don't take banned substances...

Petition: 40km/h is Unsafe

To sign this petition, you can visit here. To Vicroads and the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, The Hon. Luke Donnelley M.P., As of July 1st 2017, a road rule was introduced with the...

SJW Mechanical Handbook: Chapter 2

After the runaway success of the first instalment of ‘The SJW Mechanical Handbook’, the demand for more insightful mechanical applications, as approved by Clamentine Fraud, has reached fever pitch, with even ANTIFA wanting to...

Thought for the Day: Trump is finally wrong about something

This is a bit of old news, but that never stopped us here at The XYZ. The other day, Donald Trump got in trouble for paying a complement to Brigitte Macron, wife of French...

Breaking: Buffy Going Gender-Bender

Editor's note: This article was initially published on July 21, 2016. Given the subject of rewriting male characters as female is back in the news, we felt it was a good time for an...

The Free Market of Ideas Eats It’s Greens

Well, they say things come in threes. Now it appears that the Greens may lose a third senator to a collosally incompetent oversight that speaks volumes not only about the attitude of the party...

Food for thought – Can’t Stop the White Fight

Thanks to another 30-day ban on (((Facebook))) for “hate speech”, I’ve had lots of free time this week to rack up a tonne of shift work, while affording me a moment or so to...

The Real Reason Why the Handmaid’s Tale is so Relevant in 2017

No, it's not what you think. This isn't a tired overreaching Vox hit piece on the not even tenuous connection between the hit television series based on a book by Margaret Atwood and the...