Truth & Lies

Ask anyone today if they have heard the name James John Hagerman and you will be rewarded with vacant stares and blank expressions, a reaction that is in equal measure predictable and an indictment...

Straight to the Point – Globalists Continue to Censor Their Competition

Infowars Editor at Large Paul Joseph Watson has highlighted in his recent video that YouTube is in the process of censoring conservative content that contradicts corporate controlled presstitute consensus. PJW further explains how this hyperbolic...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 32

Self-hating whites are generally those belonging to the vocal Marxist minority, whose cognitive functioning is impaired by guilt rhetoric that postulates that all mankind’s ills are the deeds of White people. This insane assertion has...

Food for Thought – #Pray4MuslimBan

Please let it never be said that I don’t have anything but impassioned adoration for Senator Pauline Hanson! Immediately following the recent terror attacks outside the UK Parliament in London, Senator Pauline Hanson put together...

‘Fearless Girl’ Isn’t So Much About Women as it is About Marxism

The ideological contrast between the artist who created the Charging Bull and the marketing firm that created Fearless Girl could not be more different. The iconic bull has been an inspirational example to aspirational men,...

That Nasty Hanson Woman Causes Trouble over Terror

Pauline Hanson has again been attacked for that most heinous crime of inappropriately noticing things. Silly Pauline has observed, in the light of the recent London terrorist attack, that nearly all such attacks in the...

Interview: Motivations for starting XYZ, and the future of the media

Last week I made my first foray into the world of podcasts and YouTube videos, when I was interviewed by Matthew Roebuck, who is a student journalist currently studying a Graduate Diploma of Journalism...

London Terror, Pathetic Politicians and Stupid Journalists

If you’re reading this then you’ve probably heard about the latest terrorist attack in London. A man drove through a crowd in the heart of London’s tourist district, targeting any large group of pedestrians he...

Does God Need Cultural Christians?

Atheists opposed to the regressive left have been grappling with a troubling existential question of late. This question is put best by Stefan Molyneux, whom I will paraphrase: What if the choice isn't between religion...

Daddy Issues

If you want the clearest answer to why women’s liberation is a bad idea then just stop by the solipsistic train wreck that is feminism. Third wave feminism is what happens when you don’t...

Why Turnbull Deserves No Credit on Free Speech

Malcolm Turnbull has finally given his approval to a move to reform the abomination that is section 18C of the abhorrent crime against Australia that is the Racial Discrimination Act. The hysterical screaming from...

The future is clear – Marry up, red pill boys!

A very interesting post from the great heartiste where he examines the demographic breakdown of voters in the recent US election. "Audacious E and Steve Sailer stress that the real dividing line is, and continues...

Multiculturalism, Malcolm and Harmony Day: Why they all Suck

I assume all reading this heard the recent announcement on Multiculturalism, timed for that most hallowed of our national holidays, Harmony Day. What, you didn’t know it was Harmony Day? Don’t tell me you missed all...

Straight to the Point – David Rockefeller Dead at Age 101

Globalist central banker David Rockefeller died yesterday at the age of 101 from congestive heart failure (which seems a poetic end considering he’d not long had his seventh heart transplant). David Rockefeller, who made lots...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 31

Anarcho-Communist garbage truly epitomizes what it means to be an oxygen thief unworthy of life. Touting their typical mantra of, “The only good fascist is a dead one,” it’s bemusing to know that in their...

Protest Fail

This morning, like most Melburnians still in denial of the fact that deep down, they really are a hipster, I was in a café waiting for my order of a strong latte to be...

Do as We Say or You’re a Wife-Beater

Keen observers of The XYZ would notice that most of our contributors choose pseudonyms. Fear of physical retaliation from the scum of the earth features a distant second in reasons given for the preference...

Canberra Couple Make Same-Sex Marriage Debate All About Them in Cringeworthy Display of Virtue...

Bat 21 A Canberra couple have taken cultural appropriation to dizzying new heights by vowing never to get married until same-sex marriage is legalised. This might be a selfless and impressive gesture if both of...

On Negative Gearing

Kenny Liew Like most slogans from social justice warriors today, the call for the abolition of negative gearing is designed to virtue signal rather than to actually consider the practicality and consequences of such a proposal....

A Ryan Rant – Episode 30

Lefties like to chastise the Western world for being Islamophobic. But as these throwbacks migrate into Western nations I ask you: “What has Islam ever done for us?” Apart from: - Enslaving millions of white Christian...