Poll result: Aussies support sport boycott of South Africa over White Genocide


The most recent XYZ Viewer Poll brings some bitter irony. We asked if people supported a boycott of South African sporting teams in protest over the treatment of white South Africans, and the response was an overwhelming yes.

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That’s 1059 to 37.

We would note that this response is an indication of our support for white South African farmers, not because we are sore losers. It is crazy that the headlines in the MSM regarding South Africa have been dominated by the drama which took place on the pitch, during a tour in which we have been utterly walloped, when such momentous, foreboding events are currently taking place off the pitch.

It might seem crazy to some, but the walloping doesn’t bother me too much.

Australia vs South Africa test series have always been war. Our matches have always been spiteful and full of sledging. This is because Australia and South Africa are (were) the two greatest cricket nations in the world. What is more, South Africans are basically just more rugged versions of Australians. The respective sides will do and have always done whatever it takes to get an advantage over a formidable opponent during the sporting equivalent of a five day pitched battle.

Sometimes South Africa cracks first. This time we cracked first, and boy did we crack.

The result of this series shows that the South Africans still have some fight in them. We’ve got some work to do.