Quote of the Day: International Day Against Lame International Days (IDALID)


Yesterday was, apparently, IDAHOT Day, or International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia. This triggered the grumpiest of The XYZ news team, Grumpy Motorist, into launching one of his signature rants, in which he strongly suggested to the “far left of the fence, PC blithering, extremist hugging, self hating Westerner” that “If you want to change the world actually do it in the good of someone’s life! Go to Asia, Africa, South America, far north of Australia and actually volunteer in the betterment of life for real people suffering!”

The XYZ asked readers to suggest far worthier causes which deserve their own international day. There already exists an inspired push to reclaim May Day as International Victims of Communism Day, while the suggestion of “Absolutely Nothing on Earth Day” expresses the commonly held feeling that we could all do with a bloody day off.

We have decided to award Quote of the Day, and the winning new cause to be promoted by pushing for an international day, to the following:

“International Day Against Lame International Days.”

8056223645_9aa2e725a9_Lazy-beachThe XYZ hereby announces Friday, June 18, as International Day Against Lame International Days (IDALID). There are too many lame international days clogging our calendar. We need to raise awareness that people are sick of having their awareness raised. Stop the condescension. Stop the preaching. Leave us the hell alone.

Just for a day.

We invite readers to join the Facebook event, and sign the Change.org petition, to help spread the word.

It’s your XYZ.