A Ryan Rant – Episode 12 (Pepe Mode)


Nothing pisses me off more than when precious celebrities condescendingly tell us how to interpret the world.

For example the other day Waleed Aly (aka “Micro Penis”) was lecturing us all on how Donald Trump’s banter about “grabbing pussy” is just so evil.

Meanwhile you had Miley Cyrus, the same degenerate who said she’s leaving the U.S. if Trump wins the election, getting her audience members to LITERALLY grab her genitals and asshole.

Or how about that douchebag Robert De Niro (aka Jack Burns), who says he wants to punch Trump in the face for his private comments, and yet De Niro is pictured hanging out with Hollywood predator Roman Polanski who LITERALLY raped a 13 year-old.

And then you’ve got the likes of Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Don Cheadle, Clark Gregg, Martin Sheen, James Franco, Neil Patrick Harris and Julianne Moore outright shilling for Crooked Hillary.

Frankly all these PC celebrity degenerates need to collectively drink bleach!