Sen Janet Rice: Children come from the Stork, not Biology


In a statement to the media today, Greens Senator Janet Rice has stated that children come from the Stork, and not human bio626px-Stork_with_new-born_childlogy.

Senator Rice was at pains to correct the myth that children are the biological product of a mother and a father.

“We need to correct this crude myth that children result from the sexual activity of a man and a woman. We all know that this cannot be the case because all relationships are equal, and we need to be teaching our children the truth that babies are delivered from the Stork, at the request of the parent/s. To maintain otherwise is discriminatory and might even suggest that some relationships are more natural than others.”

Following up on this statement, the Greens propose that an education program be rolled out to all school children to correct the myths about where babies come from.

It’s the XYZ.