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Tag: abortion

Bernie Finn expelled from Liberal Party for opposing baby murder

The Anzacs stormed Gallipoli so their descendants would have the right to murder babies. Murdering the unborn is Australian democracy values: Controversial MP Bernie Finn...

How to Abuse Children for Fun and Profit

Abusing children is immoral, but in our Liberal society that doesn't mean it's illegal. Sure the more obvious abuses are illegal, for example it...

Bernie Finn labelled “extreme” for opposing the murder of children

Bernie Finn is one of the few men remaining in public life who is prepared to state the bleeding obvious about the totalitarian lockdowns...

Roe vs Wade is Irrelevant

The joke going around is that now that it looks like the Supreme Court is going to overturn Roe vs Wade, the next things...

Crazy Lefties suddenly care about Police Brutality again

Yesterday Victoria Police engaged in a bit of police brutality, just for old time’s sake. Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe has called police officers 'criminals' and...

Roe vs Wade to be overturned: America can atone for its...

Magic is real. God is far stronger. Until several hours ago I remained convinced that the bulk of humanity would be wiped out this year...

The morality of our Civilization

The further our farce of a civilization continues, the more ludicrous the foundations on which it stands. I refer to the principles, ethics and...

The Enemy in our Midst

One of the fascinating things I have found during the Covid scam and subsequent fake vaccine push has been the way that it has...

Perrottet pushes to free the unvaccinated: Media suggests he’s a DICTATOR

The new Premier of New South Wales purports to be a conservative Catholic. He voted against poo marriage and child sacrifice so naturally the...

The Lost White Babies

From Patriotic Alternative. By Johnny Alba Abortion can be a difficult subject to talk about, but it is one that very much affects the survival of...