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Dictator Dan Cancels Commonwealth Games: But we’re still getting a referendum

What’s he going to do next, cancel Christmas? Oh. Remember Covid? The Commonwealth Games Federation was only given eight hours notice about the Victorian government’s sudden...

Let’s hear it for 50 year old White Guys

I’m going to give my thoughts on the Oceangate submarine implosion saga, and I’m doing it as a 50 year old white guy with...

Hanoi Jane Blames White Men for the “Climate Crisis”

From Richardson Post and Front Page Magazine. Joseph Klein Jane Fonda used her appearance at this year’s Cannes Film Festival to charge that racism and patriarchy...

Stan Grant Spits the Dummy and Goes Home

I can’t help but feel partly responsible: After years of racially vilifying White Australians to a national audience courtesy of the taxpayer funded ABC, the...

Stan Grant and Craig Foster offend, insult, humiliate and intimidate White...

White people are not allowed to have nice things: The ABC has been called out by viewers after airing a 'disrespectful' two-hour special on the...

Lidia Thorpe is NOT racist: Here’s why

After a litany of insane stunts, the Lying Press have decided Lidia Thorpe is just too radical for their coordinated, slow but steady Overton...

Hushcrime: ABC Hides Hate Crime Against White Girl

A 13-year-old girl was 'allegedly' tortured for four to five hours on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland by three nonwhite teens last week. Aboriginal leads...

LA “Racism” Scandal Exposes The Fraud of “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”

Mike Peinovich A leaked recording of a meeting of several leading Latino political figures in Los Angeles has thrown the LA political establishment and the...

High Inflation: Both Parties are Guilty

From the National Justice Party. Warren Balogh The government just released the latest inflation numbers for June 2022:  the consumer price index is up 9.1% over...

‘Racist’ Is An Antiwhite Slur

The word 'Racist' has always been and will always be an Antiwhite hate slur. 'Racist' is the word that is destroying the Western World...