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Tag: Australian Open

Novak Djokovic wins Australian Open: Doesn’t have heart attack

Whoever would believe it. You don’t need to get vaccinated against Covid to win a grand slam tennis tournament. There will always be a small...

Woke Corporate Collusion: Australian Open Bans Australia Day

The corporation in charge of butchering the Australian Open tennis tournament has jumped on the anti-Australia bandwagon, banning the celebration of Australia Day on...

Are reports that Novak Djokovic has been vaccinated Fake News?

Novak Djokovic found himself at the centre of a months long saga in 2021 and 2022, centred around Australia’s deeply unpopular vaccine mandate. Australian...

Chinese woman ordered to remove “political” t-shirt at Australian Open

When you import Chinese people, you import China. Interestingly, journalists can ask questions about the Peng Shuai situation to players, but fans, seemingly, aren't allowed...

Ball Girl COLLAPSES at Australian Open

The Australian government claims it is protecting us from Covid, while actively endangering people’s lives via vaccines: BREAKING:Ball boy collapses at the Australian open...

Novak Djokovic DEPORTED To Prevent Aussie Anti-Vax Revolution

Novak Djokovic’s Australian Visa has been cancelled by a unanimous, full bench hearing of the Federal Court of Australia, and he is set to...

STRIPSEARCHED: Female Czech Tennis Star Humiliated By Australia Border Force Goons

The sexual humiliation of your enemy’s women is the number one way to break their spirit. The Australian Regime understands this thoroughly: The Czech doubles player...

Australian Open: Tennis Players Dropping Like Flies

The BBQ Bulletin has given us the most accurate Novak headline to date: Three tennis players have pulled out of the Australian Open so far...

Djokovic Wins: Free to compete in Australian Open

Novak Djokovic has won his court appeal against the Australian government which had wanted to deport him for being a naughty antivaxxer. He is...

Novak Djokovic DENIED entry into Australia: VISA CANCELLED, HELD CAPTIVE at...

UPDATE: Djokovic’s visa has been cancelled and told to leave Australia, although it is expected he will challenge this decision in court. This is absolutely, 100...