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Tag: Cultural Christianity

Easter Reflection

As we celebrate Easter this year, I’d like to pause and reflect on the status of Christianity in 2018, its place in our lives...

You Don’t go Back to Church Because You Believe in God

Originally published March 23, 2017. The late Christopher Hitchens’ released God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything in 2007. He coupled its publication with...

XYZ FAQ Livestream #3 – Turnbull’s Tax Cuts, Stolen Generation, Christianity,...

Here is the third XYZ FAQ Livestream, recorded tonight. There were lots of topics in this one: Turnbull's tax cuts and "trickle down" economics, the Stolen...

The Three Essential Red Pill Journeys

A decade ago I described myself not just as an atheist, but as an anti-theist. I was vehemently opposed to all religions. A few...

Does God Need Cultural Christians?

Atheists opposed to the regressive left have been grappling with a troubling existential question of late. This question is put best by Stefan Molyneux,...