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Tag: deport

XYZ Live #48 – Dutton Deports Traitor, Censorship Escalates again and...

Topics discussed: The rash of diversity incidents involving so-called "youths of African appearance" in Melbourne and the video of Neil Erikson's confrontation with #AfricanGangs...

Dutton to deport homegrown terrorist: Could this spark mass expulsion?

How can you say that non-Europeans or non-British people are not Australians? What about the people born here? Are you going to send them...

Stalemate or suicide? Sweden Democrats make small gain

Sweden went to the polls on the weekend with a chance to save itself. The Swedes didn't exactly come out with flying colours: "Sweden faces...

3 things you need to know about the Italian election results

Back on March 3rd I predicted that the outcome of the Italian elections would be chaos and paralysis. Which amazingly enough is exactly what...

The Sudanese belong in Sudan

Melbourne’s diversity inspired Sudanese crime wave continues unabated, but now we learn that the fault for the vicious crimes being perpetrated by scores of...

Quote of the Day: Deport Malcolm Turnbull

Lucas Rosas has done his usual excellent job exposing the communists behind the latest far-left abomination in Melbourne. It's a good chance to drag...