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Tag: Dick Ears Dan

Our elders are literally being sent into nursing homes to die...

Yesterday The XYZ reported on the bizarre fact that we have quarantined an entire state, shut down the country’s economy, indeed the world economy,...

The Uncuckables Ep. 79: The CoVic Test

Living in the Victorian police state you can either laugh or you can cry. We choose to laugh. Here is the Uncuckables from Thursday...

Dan Andrews Wants us Starving and Desperate

In his most blatant power grab yet, Premier Dick Ears Dan Andrews has locked down the state of Victoria. This includes placing Melbourne under...

XYZ Live #127 – Dan Andrews vs Bacon

Melbourne is in Stage 4 Lockdown. We are essentially in an open air prison and the Victorian government is deliberately collapsing the economy. As...

Daniel Andrews to move Victorians from prison camps to death camps

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has announced that Melbourne will move to stage 4 coronavirus restrictions and to a state of disaster from 6:00 pm...

XYZ Live #126 – The “Mystery” of Rising N4Tionalism.

On Monday night Matty and David analysed the increasingly authoritarian approach of the Daniel Andrews government in handling the Chinese Diversity Flu epidemic. We also...

In Victoria, plump little poppadom is “security”

The Australian dream is like the American dream but with an extra dose of she’ll be right mate. It is the place where the...

BREAKING: Daniel Andrews announces new coronavirus safety advice

At a press conference today Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced a new list of measures the Labor government will be requesting Victorians follow to...

Good News Nationalists: We get to wear masks in Melbourne again

I’m not sure Daniel Andrews realises what he’s just done. From Yahoo: Victorians will now have to wear face masks or cop a hefty fine to...

The Uncuckables Ep. 76: You Get What You Deserve

If you vote for communists you get what you voted for and deserve. Dictator Dan Andrews has put the Melbourne Metro into another house...