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Tag: gang rape

I Slam, You Slam, We all Slam Islam (or The Disgrace...

Facetious title aside, today’s piece is a corollary to last week’s commentary on the detention and deportation of Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner, born...

Feminists take Anti-Feminist Satire as Instruction Manual

Micaiah In my maiden XYZ article on the relationship of feminism and Islam, I wrote the following: "Affirmative consent basically means that all sexual activity between...

Racial Profiling outrage as young women are groped and harrassed in...

The manifest benefits of unrestrained migration and the multicultural utopia promised by progressives and socialists the world over continue to blossom in present day...

African migrants demonstrate their gratitude to aid worker

A young, female ‘No Borders’ activist working in a migrant camp on the France-Italy border remained silent about her gang rape by Sudanese migrants...