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Tag: gay

Homosexuality is not good for you

Over the weekend a clip popped up on my feed of a group of young people in Brisbane loudly disrupting a “drag queen story...

Nivea Says NO to Gays so Agency says NO to $400M!

Nivea recently lost their long time advertising agency and had a few people loud and angry about things they may have said. But did they...

Naomi Wolf gets caught out by old white male

Climate change has been so damaging to the world not just due to the fraudulent financial cost but because of the associated damage to...

Israel Folau did Nothing Wrong!

Rugby Australia recently dumped Israel Folau because he posted a meme and quoted the Bible. It hasn’t gone down well with the public but...

Child Sacrifice

We live in an era of child sacrifice. What future generations will think about the West’s commitment to murdering its unborn infants under the...

The special Christian sodomite club

Over at Sigmaframe there is an article up concerning how The Church should best deal with homosexuals who identify as Christians. The article, Can...

Nobody must suffer the awfulness of the feel bads

What does conservatism stand for in Australia? It is a question that I ask myself more and more as we slide into an endless...

Why Movember is the most awesome Men’s Health initiative ever

Let's cut to the chase. The reason "men's health initiatives" exist in order to "raise awareness" about prostate cancer isn't because of the "discomfort"...

Josh Thomas smashes gay marriage principle, sodomises protected unicorn of the...

Editor's note:  Recently, a meme appeared on the internet of Josh Thomas mocking alternative medicine.  Good show.  However, Vic Timms cannot help notice a...

Never saw it coming: Islamic shooting at gay nightclub

Well, it has happened.  Mark Steyn warned that the West would become more dangerous for women, for Jews, for homosexuals.  Milo Yiannopolous says that...