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Tag: gender dysphoria

MSM and SJW’s murder conservative activist

A young man named Wilson Gavin who led a protest against a so-called "drag queen story hour" in Brisbane a couple of days ago...

The Emperor’s New Gender

Originally published August 3, 2016. You see all kinds of unusual in the city. The other day, I saw something unusual, but increasingly common. I...

Some reasons for you and your gay friends to vote No...

From an anonymous contributor Over dinner recently, the conversation turned to the topic of SSM, and why in spite of not being homophobic or bigoted...

Transgender Hormone Replacement for Kids

Hormone blockers are being given to children with gender dysphoria to delay the onset of puberty. MattysModernLife tells us what he really thinks on...

The Disturbing “Gender Transition” of a 4-Year-Old Child

By ElvenPegasister with Elizabeth Couchwoman So, a four-year-old child is going to begin 'gender transitioning' before their first day of preschool. Before we can seriously consider...

The Gender Contradiction

A few days ago I wrote a piece here, criticising some of the material used by the Safe Schools Coalition to 'educate' children on...