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Tag: Nanny State

Dictator Dan bans walk in the park

It was never about Covid: Those walking off a trail, swimming in a waterway or conducting research in a park could face hefty fines under...

Yet another racing driver calls for higher limits on Australian roads

Daniel Ricciardo has given his thoughts on Australian roads vs those in Europe: "FORMULA One star Daniel Ricciardo has called for faster European-style speed zones...

Nanny State

Deefer has a good one for all you people who just want to be left alone. Rest assured, the Tony Abbott wink makes its...

Reckon You’re an Adult at 18? In Tasmania – Think Again

The Tasmanian Government is proposing to increase the minimum age for smokers from 18 to 21 or 25 years of age.Apparently, this proposed move...

Of Nanny State and the Social Contract: A Reflection

The social contract theory has been the foundation of the liberal democracy since the Enlightenment. But are we contracting away too much to the...

The Nanny State and the Reasonable Man

Following on from some reflection about the Nanny State, I would like to explore the nanny state's relationship with the reasonable man. "In law, a...

Who is really responsible for the Nanny State?

On a very superficial level I agree with the basic arguments of this article - idiots spoil it for everyone, people who move into...

Prisoners riot against Nanny State

Prisons around Victorian are currently under 'lock down' after prisoners began rioting at Melbourne's Metropolitan Remand Centre in Ravenhall. It has yet to be confirmed...