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Tag: Palestine

A Ryan Rant – Episode 136 – The Joys Of Isra-hell

Like the former Soviet Jewish Republic, and the current kosher certified autonomous oblast that waves the only protected rainbow flag in Russia, the terrorist...

Food For Thought – They Incite Enemies As They Invite Decadence

The inversion of incitement by the people kvetching of a 2-pronged attack illustrates the sort of institutional power wielded by the Hegelian forces seeking...

So, Socialists, About This Whole Terrorist Flag Thing …

Solidarity. We have all heard a lot of this word. Socialists promise solidarity with minorities, and everyone they consider to be oppressed. Palestine is high...

Food for Thought – Beta Boob Bill Will Never be PM

For some time now it has been noted that Labor leader Bill Shorten has been on a steady decline into utter ineptitude within Australian...

The Israel Defense Forces: “The Most Moral Military in History”

Israel cops a lot of flack. It is accused of being an 'apartheid state', and a systematic persecutor of Palestinians despite the country being...

A “statesman” speaks

What a conciliatory statesman is Mahmoud Abbas. The President of the State of Palestine and the Palestinian National Authority, still, even after unilaterally extending...

Straight to the Point – Are we on the same planet?

What a superb question the Isreali Prime Minister puts to the BBC activist masquerading as an 'interviewer' in this perfect exchange. It's only one...

Israel under siege (yet again)

I apologise, the title of this story is rather misleading. Israel isn't under siege again, Israel is perpetually under siege. The siege on Israel...

Israel’s right to exist: denied

Get this for a quote: "The Palestinian national identity isn't the roadblock to peace in the region. Instead, it's the fact that Palestinians are denied...