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Tag: Socialism

Personal experience with Socialist Alternative

David If you have been to a conservative rally, a university campus or even a mall, you will have likely encountered them, easily recognisable by...

Thought for the Day: Awaken the Dragon

Jordan Peterson talks a lot about the Western archetypal story of the young man who goes on a quest to slay the dragon. To Peterson,...

Book Review: Enjoy the Decline, by Aaron Clarey

This book review has been getting some attention today. With a lot of new readers coming to The XYZ, now is a good...

Are Blair Cottrell and the United Patriots Front (UPF) really Nazis?

Originally published January 22, 2018. There are few individuals who have been slandered by the media more than Chairman of the United Patriots Front, Blair...

Quote of the Day: Socialism in a nutshell

The following quote was seen somewhere on the internet. It is spot on: ‪Socialism in a nutshell, ‪You noticed that economic growth creates inequality, ‪so you raise...

A Grumpy Thought: Socialists milking the Free Market

Socialism/Communism is championed by those who either have already milked a Western capitalist society for great wealth adwant the government to protect it, or...

Venezuela Migrant Crisis shows why Pinochet dropped communists out of helicopters

In 1933 the socialist Adolf Hitler was voted into power after carrying 33% of the vote.  In 1970 the socialist Salvador Allende was elected...

My Tribute to Anzac Day, Heroism and True Sacrifice

This is some stirring stuff from Matty's Modern Life: "It's past time we stare down evil just as (the ANZAC's) did. We are blessed with...

Capitalism Needs Compassion – Socialism, Once in Power, Outlaws It

Capitalism may be plagued by the sin of greed, a greed that hinders the free market through hoarding and monopolies, but ultimately capitalism creates...

Why Democracy Always Fails and How to fix it – with...

As Winston Churchill once stated, “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others” and he wasn’t wrong. Democracy fails, it always...