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Tag: Socialist Alliance

Cultural destruction: Why and how the left rewrites identity and history

David In some of my previous articles, I have discussed groups such as the Socialist Alternative and the Chinese government initiative, the Confucius Institute. In...

Infiltration: A story of communism and socialism on campus

David From the Trotskyists of the Socialist Alternative and the Greens, to the Stalinists of the various communist societies and clubs such as the Adelaide...

Why is the QLD government paying a Communist to police your...

Almost a year ago, on September 25, 2017, we warned in this article that the Queensland government was paying a communist to police our...

Queensland Communists to hold show trials of opponents of gay marriage

Dictators love elections and free speech. It does the secret police's job for them when political dissidents, thinking they are protected by such arcane...

Socialist Alternative: The Story of an Extremist Cult – part 1

Originally published March 17, 2018. If you’ve been on a university campus in the last five years, you won’t have been able to ignore them. If...

Australian movement for white South African farmers is growing

Last Sunday, April 8, approximately 3000 attended a rally in Perth to support white South African farmers. According to Senator Fraser Anning, who has been...

XYZ Live #11 – Malcolm Turnbull, Count Dankula and the Human...

Topics covered in last night's livestream included: The communist involvement in the Commonwealth Games protests Malcolm Turnbull's leadership and the future of the Liberal...

Are The Australian Greens Party really Communists?

Due to popular demad, here is an encore from Matty's Modern Life. Answering the question once and for all, are the Australian Greens communists? Wait for...

Cllr Stephen Jolly and the new “socialist alliance”

Tim Blair, the opinion editor for the Sydney Daily Telegraph is one of the few people honoured by having a law named after them,...

Who is behind the Melbourne Black Lives Matter protests?

On Sunday a “Black Lives Matter” protest was held in Melbourne outside the State Library. Around 300-400 people showed up. That’s a decent showing...