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Tag: Tim Blair

Sarah Hanson-Young really doesn’t like Men – Responding to Feminist Dogma

Sarah Hanson-Young is famous, and not for a good reason.  She recently graced The Age with a hilarious bit of feminist hypocrisy, in which...

Yassmin Abdel-Magied in a spot of bother, how sad

So everyone’s second favourite “Australian” Muslim (behind Waleed Aly) Yassmin Abdel-Magied has been the subject of a complaint with the Australian Human Rights Commission...

The Denunciation of Ross Cameron and Larry Pickering by their Peers...

I don't always agree with other XYZ contributors, or with other conservative media. Or other conservatives for that matter. And I'm sure many of...

Bolt and Blair Don’t Believe in Free Speech After All

I had an entirely different post ready to go and lined up for today. All I had to do was press the button and...

Tim Blair Nails It as Peter FitzSimons is Left as Red-Faced...

If there's one great thing (and only one great thing) about the Regressive Left, it's that they leave themselves so little wriggle room in...

Presenting the inaugural Dworkin Award

Yesterday was Ernie Day, a time to celebrate the annual flagellation of uppity males who have yet not bowed to – and in some...


Not all that long ago one opened the morning papers (there are only two in my city – the Herald Sun, or affectionately the Hun,...