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Tag: Victoria

Viewer Poll: What is the most important issue in this year’s...

The Labor Party under Daniel Andrews is turning Victoria into a shit hole, but large turnouts for libertarian, conservative and nationalist speakers in the...

Yet another racing driver calls for higher limits on Australian roads

Daniel Ricciardo has given his thoughts on Australian roads vs those in Europe: "FORMULA One star Daniel Ricciardo has called for faster European-style speed zones...

Poll: Should we sack SJW activist members of the Victorian judiciary?

Several recent infamous bail decisions (among many) stick in Victorians' throats; the Bourke Street Islamic terrorist Dimitrious Gargasoulas was bailed just days before his...

In Victoria it Rains Again, and Again, and Again

We'll never tire of this. It is important that we never tire, as Flannery's ilk never stop. From the Herald Sun 4/12/17: "WANGARATTA locals are...

Victoria Moves One Step Closer to Final Solution to the Old...

Legislation passed the Victorian Upper House of Parliament today making it legal to murder old people. Some amendments have been added, making it more...

The Australian Greens Push Regressive Identity Politics

The Greens have released an advertisement promoting their candidate for Northcote in Melbourne's inner north, Lidia Thorpe, as a "great opportunity" to elect the...

“Euthanasia” safeguards acknowledge that “slippery slope” is a thing

Murder took a step closer to being legal in Victoria today, with "euthanasia" legislation passing the lower house of Victoria's parliament. What I have...

Melbourne: Far-left activists hurl obscenities at peaceful right-wing protest

It was a sunny Spring* day in Melbourne today, with an official maximum of 18 degrees, however it felt warmer in direct sunlight. Several...

Victoria’s ridiculous speeding laws ruin lives

The following message was sent through to The XYZ yesterday. We are presenting it unedited, and it has been published with permission from the...

Petition: 40km/h is Unsafe

To sign this petition, you can visit change.org here. To Vicroads and the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, The Hon. Luke Donnelley M.P., As of...