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Tag: Women

Solving the crisis of masculinity, what does it mean to be...

Matty's Modern Life discusses the attack on masculinity and feminimity which is currently undermining the relationship between the two sexes, making both men and...

A curfew for women: What a great idea

A recent letter to The XYZ was titled "No women allowed out after dark"? What a Totally. Awesome. Idea. I have, quite genuinely, been racking...

We don’t need no help from women

My colleague in the culture wars economist Steve Kates sent me the following link to a petition in the form of a letter to...

Killing women

Feminism kills women. It kills young and vulnerable women. It kills their hopes. It kills their dreams. It kills their future. All young women...

It’s time to get our womenfolk in order

In an article at XYZ magazine, Matty from Matty’s Modern Life argues the case against ethno-nationalism, which is a fancy term used to describe...

Quote of the Day: Things will be what women decide them...

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Heda8CVBJ4c The video above is of excellent quality, as is the habit of Black Pigeon Speaks. He summarises how Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban has...

Not all women are like that

There’s an old saying in the writing game: if you’re taking flak, you must be over the target. My piece the other day on...

All the Indicators are Pointing to Women being an Unmitigated Disaster...

An unintentionally hilarious article in The Australian today: All the indicators are pointing to a dearth of women in economics. "I wholeheartedly agree that the...

Islamic Clerics: Rape and Domestic Violence OK

I have been told more than once that I, as a Christian, Western white woman, cannot speak out about the rights of girls and...

NO to “Wear the Hijab” and YES to “Ban the Burka”?

There is a need for a coherent and consistent approach to the “Ban the Burka” Debate. Can we reject UK Islamist Abu Rumaysah ordering...