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Tag: women’s sport

White Female Sportsballer Hates Australia Day: Lying Press amplifies her feelings...

This one deserves at least one honk: Let’s have a look at this “indigenous” “star”: Why do lesbians always have to scratch their testicles? Indigenous cricket star...

Trans Ban: Men barred from swimming against women

Technically, the term “trans” is a complete misnomer. There is no such thing as a “trans” man or a “trans” woman. There are people...

Women’s sport should not exist

There’s a certain bloke by the name of William Thomas who likes to go by the name of Lia and enter swimming competitions against...

Ash Barty to retire at 25: Is it the jab?

Everybody is thinking it but nobody will say it. Was Ash Barty experiencing adverse reactions to the the Covid vaccine but didn’t want anyone...

WOMEN’S World Cup Soccer Team NAGS for EQUAL PAY!

The Australian Women’s Soccer team demands more money ahead of the 2019 Women’s World Cup, saying they want pay equality with the men’s team. Is...

The Cargo Cult of Women’s Sport

Originally published 3/3/2019. During World War Two, while the Yanks and the Japs were wasting time fighting each other when they should have together crushed...

Grandstand Guessing Game

It may come across as a little contradictory, coming from the editor of an online newspaper dedicated to denuding the ABC of half its...