The Uncuckables Ep. 42: Remembering Forever the Decade


Last night on the Uncuckables myself and Tim Wilms reviewed 2019 and the 2010’s, and gave our thoughts on what 2020 will bring. We were joined by Dieuwe de Boer, Matty’s Modern Life and the Senator Slayer. Naturally, the end of the stream degenerated into shitposting and in-jokes.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank every contributor at The XYZ for another year of hard work, I would like to thank readers and listeners for their loyalty, and I would like to thank our donors on Patreon and via superchats during our livestreams.

We are part of an ever growing network of ordinary Australians committed to destroying the globalist stranglehold on our country.

Posting will be light over January as myself and others enjoy some time off. In coming weeks I will update our writers’ and about pages, send out a newsletter and write a post confirming the new comments policy.
