XYZ Live #100 – Rudd Blames Globawl Warmin’ and Toonsperger has a new Friend


Climate alarmists have been spooked that not everybody is buying their narrative that so-called “climate change” is responsible for Australia’s horror bushfires, and that the finger is being pointed back at them. Thus the fact that they have actually been forced to address the arguments put against them is significant.

On Monday night Matty’s Modern Life and David Hiscox laid out the case against the green cult, as well as debunking arguments by Kevin Rudd, Greta Thunsberg and David Attenborough.

We also had a look at the recent church shooting in White Settlement, Texas, where it was proven that multiple good guys with guns stops a bad guy with a gun every time.

Monday night is livestream night. Join David Hiscox and Matty’s Modern Life as they discuss the politics of the week at 9:00 pm AEDT. You will find us at Matty Rose Live.